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5 Advantages of Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Until recently, if you were considering breast augmentation your choices were either saline or silicone implants. Cohesive gel implants, also called gummy bear breast implants, have recently garnered a lot of attention in the United States as a superior alternative. It’s important to note, however, that according to Boston Magazine, gummy implants have been used in Europe for over a decade. There are several benefits of receiving gummy bear breast implants.

1. Superior Shape Maintenance

One of the foremost advantages when selecting these types of implants is their superior shape maintenance. Gummy bear implants are able to retain their shape over an extended amount of time. Breast Implant Information states that only the most cohesive implants are given the name gummy bear implants.
Saline and silicone implants will often change shape over time due to gravity as well as adapting to the changes that occur in an individual’s body. By contrast, each individual’s breast conforms to the shape of the cohesive gel. Since gummy bear breast implants are firmer, they are more resistant to gravity and the general effects of aging.

2. A More Natural Feel

Gummy bear implants may feel more natural because they have a teardrop shape that more closely resembles a natural breast. Other implants have a basic round shape. Sometimes other types of implants will give an unnatural fullness at the top of the breast.
Gummy bear breast implants come in a variety of sizes and specific shapes so you can find the perfect implant. Feeling comfortable and natural is an important aspect of looking and being your best.

3. No Leakage

Since these implants have a similar consistency to actual gummy bears, they result in little to no leakage. This is because the material inside of the implant doesn’t shift and move around. In other types of implants the shell will sometimes break, resulting in leakage.
According to a report by ABC News, gummy bear implants are safer than other types because there is less chance they will rupture. If a gummy bear breast implant does rupture, it won’t leak because it is made of sturdy materials. Even if a gummy bear implant is cut in half, it still maintains its shape.

4. Less Scarring

Since gummy bear implants are more firm than other types, a larger incision is normally made when inserting them into your breast. The size of an initial incision, however, is not always related to how much scar tissue remains or how quickly scar tissue heals.
After the procedure has been completed there has been less scarring in many women than with other types of breast implants. This may be because the firmness of the gel doesn’t allow tissue to shift and contract as much around the implants. Less contraction around the implants reduces the amount of scarring you would experience.

5. Less Rippling

Rippling is an unattractive result of other types of implants. What may appear as ridges or folds can also occur after having breast implants. Since gummy implants are firmer than other options there is less chance of rippling.
The material inside the implants doesn’t shift and move like the filling made of saline or silicone. With gummy bear implants you would have more confidence to engage in intense physical activity without worrying about rippling, wrinkling or folding.
When considering breast augmentation, it’s important to select an implant that is less likely to produce scarring, leakage and rippling and also provides superior shape and feel. Gummy bear breast implants will give you a more natural shape and will eliminate the disadvantages of other types of implants. Schedule a consultation with Houston breast specialist Dr. Mark A. Schusterman to learn more.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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