(713) 794-0368 Appointment

Virtual ConsultationMark A. Schusterman, MD, FACS

Please complete the fields below. You may also submit photos for review. For best consultation results, complete as much of the information requested as possible.

Take advantage of our convenient Virtual Consultation feature, the next best thing to an in-office consultation, all within the comfort of your own home. A virtual consultation gives you the opportunity to share information with our office before you fly or make the drive into the Houston area for non-surgical treatments or cosmetic surgery.

NOTE: If you are sending breast photos, please send a front view and two 90 degree side views.

Houston, TX, Cosmetic Surgery Experts

Are you ready for a radiant new you? All it takes is completing this form or one phone call to Texas Center for Breast & Body. We’re standing by to help you discover a beautiful, more vibrant version of yourself that can make you feel years younger!

Whether you’re interested in breast implants, a tummy tuck, liposuction, or another procedure geared toward making you look and feel your best, the caring medical professionals at Texas Center for Breast & Body can help you reach your goals and achieve your dreams of defying the aging process and looking youthful and beautiful for years to come.

Always You. Always Youthful.