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5 Dangerous Body Lift Myths

The Houston body lift surgery includes a lot of components depending on the areas being treated.  Like all cosmetic surgical procedures, it a number of myths have cropped up over time.  Some of them are fairly harmless, but others can lead to much more serious consequences.  It is vital for patients to understand exactly what a body lift is and what it can do for them.  This is a closer look at some of the most dangerous myths and the effects they can have.

Myth – A Body Lift Can Be Performed on Anyone

The Houston body contouring surgery is designed specifically for people who have lost a significant amount of weight – normally between 60 and 350 pounds.  The surgery is designed to help people who have lost skin elasticity due to prolonged periods of stretching due to their increased weight.  If you are looking to fix only a few target areas then a more specific type of surgery such as a tummy tuck or mastopexy is a better solution.  Because it is such an invasive surgery is not recommended for individuals with certain health issues such as heart disease, immune system disorders, and diabetes.

Myth – There Are No Risks to Consider

As with all invasive surgical procedures, there are certain risks patients need to be aware of.  First, the surgery must be performed under general or local anesthesia.  Any time anesthesia is used; there are a variety of risks to consider.  Some of the most common risks associated with the body lift surgery include blood clots, excessive bleeding, and embolisms.  Additional risks include infection, bruising, deep vein thrombosis, and seroma.

Myth – The Recovery Time Is Minimal

Many cosmetic surgeries require only a short amount of recovery time.  The body lift is not one of them.  Your recovery time will be largely determined by how many areas are targeted during the procedure.  On average, the recovery time will be between two and five weeks depending upon the number of incisions which need to heal.  In fact, the hospitalization period alone can be up to a week or more.

Myth – After a Body Lift It is More Difficult to Gain Fat

The body lift surgery is primarily designed to remove loose skin which resulted from significant weight loss.  The surgery itself has no effect on how your body will react to gaining more weight.  If you lead a similar lifestyle as the one which led to your initial weight gain, there is no reason you would not regain fat deposits.  In some cases, people who regained a significant amount of weight were at a higher risk of having spider veins appear.

Myth – All Plastic Surgeons Are the Same

The most dangerous myth surrounding the body lift surgery is that all plastic surgeons are the same.  Like any other profession, there are varying levels of skill.  It is vital that you set up a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon that has a track record of performing successful body lift surgeries.  Nothing will have a greater impact on your results and will minimize your risks more than choosing a skilled plastic surgeon in Houston.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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