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5 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Nose Job

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to reshape your nose by altering the nose bone and the cartilage surrounding the nose. There are lots of different aspects of your nose that rhinoplasty can change, including making your nose bigger, smaller or narrower, creating a more refined tip, altering the location of the nostrils or correcting any bumps and other imperfections.

Rhinoplasty is suitable for anyone over the age of 18 who has felt dissatisfied with some aspect of their nose for a long time. If you feel unhappy when you look in the mirror or see photographs of yourself, and you feel it is affecting your self-esteem and confidence, rhinoplasty may be for you. Below are five things you should know before you get rhinoplasty.

1. The Types of Rhinoplasty

There are four main types of rhinoplasty: open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, secondary rhinoplasty and filler rhinoplasty.
Open rhinoplasty is used for major reshaping of the nose, while closed rhinoplasty is for more minor reshaping of the nose. Secondary rhinoplasty (also known as revision rhinoplasty) is used to correct any issues arising from a previous rhinoplasty. Secondary rhinoplasty can either be an open or closed procedure, depending on what is being done. Filler rhinoplasty is done by injecting fillers into the nose to help smooth or slightly alter the shape of the nose; however, the results of a filler rhinoplasty are not permanent.

2. What the Risks Are and What Results You Want

Prepare to ask your Houston plastic surgeon lots of questions to ensure that you are fully aware of what will happen and what the risks are. It will also allow you to double-check that the surgeon you have chosen is a good fit for you. Similarly, your surgeon will ask you lots of questions to find out the reasons you want the procedure and what results you are looking for.

3. What Is Possible

As with any cosmetic procedure, it is important to have achievable expectations. You should keep in mind that the “perfect” nose may not be possible, as you will need to consider whether what you want will suit your face, or whether it is possible with your current bone structure. Instead, you should aim for the best nose possible that you are happy with.

4. What the Recovery Time Is

Immediately after the procedure there may be significant swelling or bruising. This is normal and eventually subsides. However, it does mean that you should plan accordingly to make sure you have sufficient time off work. You should also keep in mind that you may not see the final results for 12 to 15 months post-operation, so prepare yourself for this and be patient.

5. What You Should Avoid After Surgery

You should not wear glasses or sunglasses for at least a month after surgery. This is because your nose is healing, and glasses can apply excessive pressure and cause indentations on the bridge of your nose. It is also very important to not exercise for at least three weeks after your rhinoplasty, as it may increase swelling and bruising, slowing down your recovery time and causing you unnecessary pain.
Knowing these facts before your rhinoplasty procedure will help you make the best decisions and have a smoother recovery period. Contact us if you’re considering rhinoplasty and talk to Dr. Schusterman today.
Disclaimer: *Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

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