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6 Breast Augmentation Pre-Operation Tips

Breast augmentation surgery is a stressful time in many women’s lives.  Stress can make you do crazy things, such as forget certain details or what to bring with you.  Planning ahead is essential to having everything you need ready for whenever you need it.  Breast augmentation is a significant event, which makes it easy to forget the details surrounding it.  Here are 6 breast augmentation pre-operation tips.

1. Always Make Personal Arrangements Early

It is easy to anticipate already being at the hospital or med spa, but overlook how you plan on getting there.  It is always best to have someone drive you to and from the procedure.  Many people prefer to have a friend or family members stay with them through the first 24 hours following the operation.  The first 24 hours following a procedure is always the most stressful, so having the support of someone else is extremely beneficial.

2. Minimize Responsibilities

Immediately following your breast augmentation, there isn’t much you will want to do.  Try to eliminate big responsibilities whenever possible.  For example, you should make arrangements for someone to watch your children for a day or two.  Having extra food and fluids at home ensures you will not have to leave the house until you have recovered for a few days.  If you have prescriptions, make sure to get a refill prior to the operation.

3.  Pack Early

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with a list of items you will want to bring with you on the day of the procedure.  The earlier you finish packing, the less likely something will be forgotten.  This includes your identification, medications, and any paperwork you have filled out.

4. Shape Up 3 Days Prior

To help your body recover as quickly as possible, try to treat your body well for at least 3 days prior to your breast augmentation.  This includes following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol.  You should also avoid any vigorous exercising.  Following a rigorous workout, your body will use a lot of resources trying to recover, which could prolong the recovery following your procedure.

5. Stay Super-Clean

The night before your breast augmentation, make sure to shower and wash the areas involved with the surgery with antimicrobial soap.  Once you do this, do not put on or use makeup, oils, creams, moisturizers, or deodorant.  As with all surgeries, you shouldn’t eat or drink the night before.  If you need to brush your teeth, try not to swallow more than a sip of water.

6. Wear the Right Clothes

It might surprise you how much your clothes matter following a breast augmentation.  Make sure you wear or bring loose fitting clothes.  Preferably, they should be able to be opened from the front.  You should also choose flat, slip-on shoes.  All of these items will make you much more comfortable when you need it most.

Before any major operation, such as a breast augmentation, your board certified plastic surgeon will make sure you understand exactly what needs to be done and how the entire process will play out.  The best part is if you have any questions or concerns, your Houston plastic surgeon will be happy to provide the personal attention you need and answer all of the questions you may have.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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