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6 Tips to Make Your Laser Hair Removal Session More Effective

Laser hair removal is becoming one of the most commonly used methods to eliminate hair growth for an extended period of time.  The process has been thoroughly tested and is clinically proven to remove or reduce hair quickly, without affecting the surrounding skin.  As a result, you can get the results you want with minimal or no downtime.  At most, your skin may be a little red for a day or two.  Some people describe it as having a mild sunburn for the first several hours.

Improve Your Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness

Despite its wide-spread adoption, many are still asking – how effective is laser hair removal? Like any cosmetic procedure, there are certain things you can do to make your laser hair removal sessions more effective.

1.  Take Advantage of the Best Technology

One of the most important things you can do to improve your laser hair removal effectiveness is take advantage of the best technologies available.  A number of advances have been made in laser hair removal over the past several years.  These advances not only improve the effectiveness but also your level of comfort.  For example, the Soprano XL includes a built-in DualChill technology.  This means you can keep your skin comfortable without needing analgesics or cooling gels.  This can shorten the session time as well is make the technician’s job easier.

2.  Understand You Will Need Multiple Laser Hair Removal Sessions

One of the most common mistakes people make is going into their first session and thinking everything will be taken care of at once.  Laser hair removal technology only has the ability to affect hair in the early growth phase.  On every part of your body, your hair follicles are constantly cycling between the growth phase and a dormant phase.  As a result, every area will require multiple sessions, regardless of how large or small it is.  This is the only way to get the ideal results you desire.  By understanding this from the very beginning, you will be significantly more satisfied with your results after each session.

3.  Avoid Removing Hair by the Roots for 6 Weeks Prior to Your Treatment

Many professionals recommend that you avoid removing hair by the roots for at least six weeks prior to your session.  This means you should avoid methods such as tweezing and waxing.  The better alternative is to either save or use a hair removal cream which is designed to only remove the visible hair above the skin, such as Nair.  This will ensure the laser hair removal session targets all of the follicles in the growth phase.  It might be surprising to find out how often you pluck or wax and end up breaking the hair off below skin level, yet accidentally leave the follicle behind.

4.  Avoid Caffeine for 24 Hours before Your Treatment

While it is not necessary, you may want to avoid caffeine for 24 hours prior to your session.  Some people have reported this can reduce the level of pain experienced as well as help you relax.

5.  Shave the Day of Your Laser Hair Treatment

It is extremely helpful if you shave the day of or day before, your laser hair removal session.  By shaving the excess hair, it will be easier for your technician to find and target your hair follicles.  This makes the treatment more effective and also can shorten your session time.

6.  If It Hurts – Tell Your Technician

The final tip is always communicate with your technician throughout the process.  If it hurts or is uncomfortable let them know.  There are a number things they can do to soothe your skin, including lowering the intensity of the laser.  Plus, communicating throughout the entire process ensures both you and your Houston medical spa technician are on the same page at all times.

Laser hair removal is clinically proven to be one of the most effective options available.  To improve your results even more, follow these six tips the next time you undergo laser hair removal in Houston.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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