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Breast Implants: What to Discuss with Your Surgeon

Breast implants is a surgery women turn to when they are unhappy about the size of their breasts and want a more feminine silhouette and body shape. Since it is a surgery, there are important things that needs to be discussed with your surgeon before you go under the knife. In order to minimize the risks, going over your medical history and other aspects of your life is required. A reputable surgeon will be a professional that will know what questions to ask and can sense when things aren’t adding up.

Once you have found a surgeon you trust, there are further questions to ask them about breast implant surgery. You will need to go over the difference between saline and silicone breast implants and the surgeon will often make a recommendation on which is better for you. You must also discuss what breast size the surgeon suggests for your body frame. Other questions include:

  • Can you breastfeed after having breast implants?
  • How accurate will mammograms be to determine breast cancer?
  • Will you lose sensation in your breasts or nipples?

When you have a better understanding of the effects of breast implants, you need to ask your plastic surgeon about the risks involved with implants. Some questions to ask can be:

  • Can you prevent breast implants from wrinkling, rippling, or rupturing?
  • What complications can occur during breast implant surgery?
  • What is the plastic surgeon’s policy if a complication does occur? Do they cover expenses?

If you have chosen the right surgeon, they will be able to answer these questions without any problems. Be very hesitant if they try and change the subject or do not fully answer the question. The best surgeons are very open about the procedure to help their patients be more comfortable and confident about their decision. Write down a list of the questions and bring it with you to your consultation so you remember the things that need to be asked before surgery is scheduled.

Houston breast augmentation plastic surgeons at MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are top-rated plastic surgeons with thousands of satisfied patients with their breast implants. In addition to breast augmentations, they offer Houston body lifts, Houston tummy tuck, and Botox in Houston.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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