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Bring Back the Perky Breasts

Once upon a time, there was a woman who had perfect, perky breasts. Her perfect, perky breasts remained the same throughout her entire life, and she lived happily ever after. The end.

We all know that life isn’t a fairy tale. The firm, perfectly positioned breasts we developed through our years of puberty don’t stay with us throughout life. Gravity works. Children are born. Our body weight fluctuates. And our boobs sag and droop and look like pancakes or fried eggs. That’s reality.

But this doesn’t have to be The End. There are ways to bring back the perky breasts we used to have.

Home Remedies for Sagging Breasts

Obviously, the first thing that comes to mind is a good supportive bra. This can make your breasts look great – especially if it’s an underwire bra – after you’ve lost a great deal of weight or had a baby. You may look fantastic in a T-shirt, but that isn’t changing what you’re seeing when you step in the shower each morning.

It is disheartening, demoralizing and depressing for a woman to look in the mirror and see shriveled, flat, pendulous breasts. We have a choice when confronted with this image: we can learn to live with our body this way or we can do something to change it (besides put the bra back on.)

Home remedies include things like drinking lots of water. This is never a bad idea, regardless of what’s ailing you. Skin tends to lose elasticity when your body is low on water.

You can exercise – do presses and inchworms, things of that nature. You can hire a personal trainer or work with the trainer at your local gym to target your chest. Pushups are always fun.

Or, you can get an ice massage or a cucumber and egg yolk mask. If these remedies work for you, enjoy your perky breasts! But if you find you’re still having a problem with sagging, it may be time to seek a medical opinion.

Bring in the Plastic Surgeon

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, a breast lift can restore the shape and firmness to sagging breasts. This procedure can improve how a woman feels about her body by restoring her feminine proportions.

A breast lift can remove excess skin, sculpt the breast tissue into an aesthetically pleasing, symmetrical shape and restore the nipple and areola to a more youthful position. Some of the common reasons for this type of surgery may include:

  • Improvement of the contour of the breast after weight loss results in loss of breast volume. Breasts may appear flat, elongated or even “shriveled.” A breast lift can restore shape and proportional contour.
  • Restoration of breast shape and contour after pregnancy and breast-feeding. If a woman is planning to have more children, it is usually better to postpone breast lift until she has completed this period in her life. A post-breast-feeding lift may or may not include the introduction of implants. Your plastic surgeon will fully discuss the options with you.
  • Improve a woman’s self-esteem and body image by providing a more natural, youthful, perky breast profile and shape that the woman may have always wanted. Again, your plastic surgeon will discuss the options with you.

Bring Back Your Perky Breasts

Weight loss, especially a dramatic shedding of pounds, takes a toll on a woman’s body. Many women are happy with their breasts before they lose weight and disappointed with the shape and size of their breasts after slimming down.

There are solutions available to women who have lost their youthful, perky breasts, for whatever reason. A consultation with a plastic surgeon will let you know what your individual options are and help you decide how to proceed on your journey to bring back your perky breasts.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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