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Get Answers to the 4 Most Common Juvederm Questions

Juvederm has quickly become well-regarded as an injectable filler.  As with all injectable fillers, there are a number of common questions which arise.  In many cases, not having the answer to these questions could make you ignore a possible option.  Here is a quick look at 4 of the most common Juvederm questions.

How Long Does Juvederm Last?

One of the reasons that this question rarely gets answered is because there isn’t an easy answer.  There are a number of different variables which will affect how long you see your results from Juvederm.  The longevity really depends on how quickly your body reacts to it and starts breaking it down.  In general, adding Houston Juvederm to your list will provide results for 4-6 months.  For facial injections, the results can last up to a year.  Injections to the nasolabial folds can last up to 6 months.

Can Juvederm Leave Bumps on Your Lips After an Injection?

In most cases, seeing slight bumps at the injection site after an injection is considered normal.  At the same time, a highly skilled professional and minimize or even eliminate these bumps.  Fortunately, these bumps typically go away after a few days.

One benefit of Juvederm is that is still soft after it is injected for about 24 hours.  This gives you more than enough time to identify any major bumps and massage them out.  If you see any bumps after a period of 48 hours has passed, massaging them out is no longer an option.  The next step would be consulting with your physician and discussing other options.

How can you tell if there is Swelling or if Too Much Juvederm Was Used?

The first time you use Juvederm, it can be tricky identify what is the result of swelling or if too much Juvederm was used.  Unfortunately, swelling is common because Juvederm is made from hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found in your skin.  Once added, it will attract water to fill in the depressions in your skin.  Plus, it can take up to 10 days before the Juvederm reaches a balance of how much water it will hold and reveal the final look.

Fortunately, if you decide that too much Juvederm was used there is a simple solution.  Juvederm can quickly be dissolved with an injection of Hyaluronidase.  This is a very simple and safe procedure which provides results in 24 hours.

Can You Eliminate the Bruising Which Follows Juvederm Injections?

While it is often impossible to eliminate the bruising completely, there are a number of things you can do to minimize it.  The first is knowing what to avoid for the two weeks prior to your injection.  This period of time plays a significant role in determining how much you bruise.  Some of the things you must avoid prior to your injection include blood thinning medication, vitamin E supplements, a variety of herbal supplements, and Omega 3 (fish oil) supplements.  At the time of the procedure, applying a cold compress and keeping your head elevated can help as well.  Of course, having a quality, well-trained professional do the injection is essential as well.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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