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Is It Time to Consider a Permanent Lip Enhancement Solution?

The easiest way to alter the shape and appearance of your lips is by using temporary injectable fillers.  For many women, there comes a time when a permanent solution seems much more appealing than continual injections.  There are a handful of very effective permanent lip enhancement solutions to choose from.  It is important to understand what each of these options offers and decide which one best suits your personal preferences.

The Perma Facial Implant

One of the newer trends in lip enhancement surgery is inserting permanent lip implants.  One of the most popular permanent implants is the Perma Facial implant.  It is a silicone implant designed specifically to contour lips, although it has been reported to be successful in improving the look of cheeks, nose, and chin as well.

Unlike injectable fillers, the Perma Facial implant is surgically inserted into your lips.  They come in a variety of sizes and can provide a completely customized appearance.  One of the biggest benefits of this option is that the Perma Facial implant can be easily removed at any time.  If there is some sort of problem or you just don’t like the way they look, removing them is a simple process.  Another benefit is that the reports have all noted they provide a very natural look and feel.

While they are made from silicone, they utilize a solid structure which is impermeable and cannot rupture or degrade.  As a result, tissue ingrowth and scar tissue around the implant is rarely a problem.  One thing to keep in mind is that this procedure is more expensive than injectable fillers, however, this is easily a very cost effective solution because it is a permanent solution.

Nearly Permanent Solutions

If the thought of using a Perma Facial implant is something you shy away from, then there are also several solutions which are nearly permanent.  As opposed to temporary injectable fillers which last only several months, these options can provide results lasting more than a year – sometimes several years.  The two most popular nearly permanent solutions are Restylane injections and fat injections.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

The most common mistake women make is deciding to get the Perma Facial implant without first using a temporary injectable filler.  Even if you are searching for a permanent Houston lip augmentation solution, it is vital that you first undergo several temporary injectable filler treatments in order to get a better understanding of what you really want your lips to look like.  This will allow you to choose a customized Perma Facial implant which will provide you with the exact look that you want.

Another common mistake is assuming that Perma Facial implants will never look or feel natural.  There have been multiple studies which focus on this issue and they have all reported extremely positive results.  Not only can you achieve the look you desire, your results can feel natural to both you and your partner.  Women have reported extremely satisfying results when discussing common “problem tasks” such as eating and kissing.

If you have used temporary injectable fillers in the past and have been satisfied with the results, there is no reason not to at least consider a permanent lip augmentation solution. Perma Facial implants have quickly developed a strong track record for success and overall satisfaction.  They will not only provide you with a permanent lip augmentation solution that looks great but feels natural as well.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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