(713) 794-0368 Appointment

Laser Lipo Facial Rejuvenation Procedure and Benefits

Laser liposuction is a great means of getting rid of unwanted facial fat, to provide facial rejuvenation. Laser lipo not only precisely removes fat; it also helps in strengthening and tightening surrounding skin.

This is why laser lipo facial rejuvenation, like FaceTite in Houston, is preferred over conventional liposuction. Moreover, it causes fewer traumas to surrounding tissues, skin and blood vessels. Its needle is very thin and small, making it possible for your cosmetic surgeon to remove significant amounts of fat from very small pockets of facial and neck area fat through a very small incision.

Its small needle ensures minimal suction, discomfort, bruising and inflammation of the skin. An additional benefit of laser lipo facial rejuvenation is that its heat helps tighten skin to create a smooth and contoured appearance.

Laser liposuction is carried out under local anesthesia where most of the melted body fat is eliminated through the body’s elimination system. The fast recovery and healing time associated with the procedure ensures that patients return to regular activities within a short period of undergoing the procedure. Don’t forget that recovery time is relatively painless here.

The procedure

During laser lipo, fat is melted well before it is extracted from tissues. It is less invasive than traditional liposuction as it eliminates body fat without much suction. The cannula that your surgeon uses here comes with a laser fiber attached to its end.

Once the cannula is inserted into the fatty pockets, fatty tissue is heated and broken down by the heat of laser energy. Though melted fat is usually eliminated naturally from the body, it can be drained using a small suction device.

Laser lipo facial rejuvenation usually takes about an hour. The small incisions used here ensure that there is no need of using any bandages, sutures or stitches after the procedure. During the healing process, the body produces more collagen which in turn gives a smoother, contoured and more toned appearance to your face.

Once the skin has healed completely, your cosmetic surgeon may also use dermal fillers like Artefill or Juvederm to improve your facial appearance by adding more contours to your face.

— Our Houston based Plastic surgery and Cosmetic Surgery center is offering Laser Lipo Facial Rejuvenation. For a Cosmetic Evaluation, call our office at 713-794-0368 or Contact Us. We will be delighted to hear from you.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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