(713) 794-0368 Appointment

Lose Stubborn Weight with Cynosure Smartlipo

Cynosure Smartlipo makes dieting that much easier for men and women who have changed their lifestyle and have dedicated their time to exercise and eating right but have not been able to lose the stubborn weight that would help them reach their goal weight. It can be frustrating when you have worked so hard yet cannot lose those last five to ten pounds on your own but with this procedure you can shed those pounds without putting too much stress on your body like you would if you choose traditional liposuction.

How Smartlipo is Different than Traditional Liposuction

Today, advances in technology have made it easier for patients to get rid of unwanted fat, especially for those who are otherwise healthy and only have a few extra pounds to lose. Smartlipo tightens skin after it melts the fat away so patients do not have to worry about sagging and dimpling skin that is a risk with traditional liposuction. Laser liposuction requires smaller incisions, only one procedure, and has a minimal recovery time. This makes it a lot easier for those who lead a busy lifestyle and cannot take the necessary time off for downtime with traditional liposuction.

Ideal Candidates for Cynosure Smartlipo

Cynosure Smartlipo is not for everyone. If you are obese it is best to lose weight on your own to get the most out of this procedure. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle by exercising and eating right. Love handles, chin, and abdomen fat are common areas people choose for this procedure. It is not a weight loss procedure but a way to lose a few pounds of stubborn weight when diet and exercise have not worked.

If you are interested in this  procedure you need to schedule a consultation with our Houston Plastic Surgeons to see if you match the requirements and will be happy with the results Cynosure Smartlipo will give you.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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