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Picking Your Nose

It happens often that when we compare current events and practices with those of the past, we find some resemblances. We find that someone had attempted the same thing before, or laid down the base for that particular practice. The history of Rhinoplasty is a good example. You will probably be surprised to know that rhinoplasty, or nose restructuring surgery has been around for more than 5000 years. With well-documented texts from ancient Egypt describing in detail how to perform the surgery. Even in India, almost 3000 years ago, Sushruta listed out the procedure in his medical compendium.

Therefore, we can all agree that nose-jobs are not something that modern man has conjured up. Even as many as 5 millennia ago there have been people that wanted to change the way their nose looks and people who could help them change it. Modern plastic surgery has opened its doors to anyone who can afford it, people can change the way their nose looks not only for cosmetic purposes but also for medical reasons such as inhibited nasal passages. While any kind of plastic surgery comes under fire from time to time, rhinoplasty has become increasingly popular.

On the iconic TV show FRIENDS, the beautiful Rachel Greene was born with a nose that was too long. She gets a nose job and looks prettier than ever and wins the heart of many people that watched the show. How many people picked up inspiration to go through Rhinoplasty from that example is uncertain, but the fact of the matter is, it does help and people do want it. In many cases, it has been observed that post-surgery, the patient becomes happier and socially more active.

While it is a fact that Houston rhinoplasty reshapes the nose for better symmetry with the face, it is not the sole reason why it is done. There are many cases of people whose nasal cavities are not properly developed, leading to difficulty breathing. There are also cases of accidents with the nose that put the nose out of shape and out of function. Rhinoplasty helps people recover from the condition and sets them onto a path for a better life. Big-noses, crooked noses, long noses etc. can all be set right through Rhinoplasty by a qualified plastic surgeon.

Surgery is not the only option for reshaping the nose. There are also non-surgical procedures that involve inserting inert biological filters that will slowly reshape the nose so that it appears more gradual. The extent of transformation through this process is limited and it takes time as well as regular attention. As a result, these methods are not as popular as the surgical options which are faster and more accurate.

Any surgical procedure bears some amount of risk to the patient, it is important to consult a qualified surgeon/physician about these risks and to try and re-assess the reasons for the surgery. Make sure it is something you want and that it will change your life for the better.

Disclaimer: *Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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