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Radiesse Wrinkle Treatment and the V Effect

If you have seen any ads for the Radiesse injectable filler, then you have probably stumbled across to the V Effect.  It is a simple way to describe how your face changes over time as you age.  The big question most people have is whether or not Radiesse is the best injectable filler to use on certain types of wrinkles.  By understanding how your face naturally ages and how the Radiesse injectable filler was designed, deciding whether or not it is right for you becomes much easier.

The V Effect

Over time, everyone skin eventually starts to lose its tone and firmness.  As a result, the proportion shift and volume in certain areas reduce.  This is particularly true for the cheeks, chin, and area around the nose.  If you look at a youthful appearance, you can easily draw a V from the chin up to the ears.  As you age and your skin begins to sag, the V slowly turns upside down which is when the aging becomes more visible.  Radiesse is designed to be used in specific parts of the face to reverse the V effect.

As you age, your skin begins to lack moisture and the speed of cell renewal slows down.  This results in a loss of elasticity, firmness, and smoothness.  When this happens, wrinkles become deeper around the mouth, nose, and chin.  There is also noticeable volume loss throughout the cheek area.  By utilizing Radiesse, you can reverse this trend and reduce wrinkles by adding long-lasting volume to the affected area.

Does Radiesse Really Work?

Radiesse is currently the only filler which will both immediately replenish lost volume as well as stimulate collagen production.  This is why it often provides results which last much longer than other injectable fillers.  In clinical studies, patients have reported noticeable benefits more than a year after their initial injection.  For treating wrinkles, Radiesse has gone head-to-head in comparison studies and outperformed many of the most popular alternatives including Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane.

The Key to Using Radiesse Effectively

While Radiesse offers a growing number of benefits, it is still not the perfect solution for all situations.  In order to get the best possible results, it is important to know when to use Radiesse and when to choose a different injectable filler.  The primary problem area which may require a different solution is lip wrinkles.  Radiesse has recently started to promote its use around the lip area; many professionals will still prefer Juvederm or Restylane.  This is because Radiesse can sometimes become lumpy when injected near active tissues and muscles, such as those around your mouth.

Radiesse is best when used for non-muscle driven lines such as the nasolabial fold or melo-labial fold.  The reason Radiesse is more effective for non-muscle driven lines is because it is a slightly thicker injectable filler than the competition.  This is also why it is less effective in muscle driven areas such as your clips.

There is no doubt Radiesse can help you reverse the V effect.  While it may not be ideal for every part of your face, it excels at providing long-lasting results when targeting non-muscle driven wrinkles.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Schusterman at (713) 794-0368 today!

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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