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Risks Associated with Breast Augmentation

Choosing to have a breast augmentation is an important decision with various areas to research, including understanding the risks that are associated with this type of surgery. Of course there will always be risks when it comes to surgery but for an elective surgery a woman should know her options and do her best to prevent problems by choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon that has a good reputation as well as listening to her surgeon’s recommendations post-surgery. The best way to learn about all of the potential risks is to speak with an honest surgeon whose majority of patients have not experienced complications.

Breast Implant Ripples or Wrinkles

A breast augmentation is done to make a woman feel more confident about her looks instead of self-conscious. Although uncommon, one risk women have with a Houston breast implants are rippling or wrinkling forming from using a textured shell. The textured surface pulls on the scar capsule, which pulls on the skin and causes traction rippling. This is prevented by using an implant with a smooth shell. An experienced surgeon should recognize an inadequate implant and not use it.


There is always a possibility of getting an infection after surgery, including breast augmentation surgery. It can take a few days for symptoms of an infection to present itself but one can occur anytime after surgery. Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Inflammation or redness

Luckily antibiotics can be used to treat infection but if it does not respond to the antibiotics the implant may need to be removed until the infection is completely gone. Proper care and attention during surgery today has minimized the amount of women who get an infection.

Changes in Sensation

The majority of women experience a change in the sensation of their breast and/or nipple. It is common for them to be numb, overly sensitive, or both during the healing process. How long this lasts depends on each woman. It could take up to one or two years for sensation to return to the breast after a breast augmentation but the majority of women get sensation back much sooner.

To learn about these risks and more always ask your Houston plastic surgeon if you are likely to experience a complication and what would happen if you experience it.

Houston breast augmentation plastic surgeons at MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are top-rated plastic surgeons with thousands of satisfied patients. In addition to breast augmentations, they offer laser Houston tattoo removal, tummy tuck, and Botox in Houston.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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