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Smartlipo Results are Beautiful

Today, it is much easier and faster to get rid of unwanted fat from targeted body parts. Smartlipo is a laser liposuction technique that aids with body sculpting to make you look beautiful.

With the help of Smartlipo MPX, it is possible to correct double chins, reduce any tummy fat you have, reduce oversized breasts and even tighten any loose skin you have in the abdomen.

Both men and women use laser Smartlipo to retrieve their lost youthful appearance and to improve their self image and esteem. The best people to undergo Smartlipo Houston and get the best results are those who are both healthy and physically fit, and have only one or two areas of accumulated excess fat.

Precise body contouring

Basically, the reason why laser Smartlipo is a better option at making you look younger and beautiful is because it uses smaller liposuction cannulas than traditional liposuction techniques. Lasers pass through these canals to coagulate the loose ends of small blood vessels. Moreover, there is less bleeding and use of anesthetic drugs here.

This thus facilitates more precise body contouring Houston in shaping delicate areas like chin, arms, inner thighs and neck, while promoting skin tightening. Moreover, as Smartlipo MPX does not require sutures, it does not leave any ugly scars that may hamper your beauty.

Minimal aches and pains

Not only do you get beautiful results and a beautiful body with the help of Smartlipo, it is done using local anesthesia so that you experience minimal pain and discomfort. Once the anesthesia starts wearing off, the most you will experience is the same aches and pains associated with a vigorous workout.

This is mainly because the nerves and blood vessels of your body are not disturbed during the procedure. Moreover though doctors advise a day or two of rest after laser Smartlipo, there are some patients who return to work immediately after the procedure.

To ensure you get the best results with your Smartlipo MPX surgery, it is important that you first have a full consultation with an experienced Smartlipo cosmetic surgeon Houston. On the first visit, your doctor will discuss not only what you expect to achieve with Smartlipo surgery, but also assess your health and explain how Smartlipo works and how much it realistically accomplishes.

SmartLipo can help you tighten your body in a new and innovative way.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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