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What to Do After a Tummy Tuck

A Houston tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a common procedure men and women have for various reasons. Women who have had multiple children can find it difficult to get rid of the stubborn belly fat and opt for a tummy tuck that helps them lose the excess fat on the abdomen. Those who have lost weight also have a tummy tuck when they are having trouble getting of the last few pounds. Whatever the case, tummy tucks are common to have but it is important to know what to expect after the procedure.Keeping your stomach muscles relaxed after the procedure will help reduce the amount of pain you are in. Therefore, sleeping with your back elevated and a pillow under your knees so you are laying in a lawn chair position is best. Of course, if you find that you are more comfortable in another position then go with that one since getting sleep is extremely important.

Abdominoplasty is one of the longer procedures cosmetic surgeons perform, which means it increases the chance of blood clotting in the veins of the legs. Combined with lying around in bed a few days after the procedure you will be at a high risk of getting a pulmonary embolism. On the first night, moving from bed to the bathroom is sufficient. Do not be afraid to move in fear of breaking the sutures. It is incredibly hard to do. You should be able to walk outside of your home by the third day. You can work out your arms and legs as soon as you feel like you can but you must avoid stomach crunches for six months and exercising the central body for a month.

You must wear your abdominal binder for two weeks after your surgery. If you do not, you may experience fluid accumulation under the skin of the abdomen. This can lead to pressure on the circulation of the skin and can cause skin loss.

Always listen to your cosmetic surgeon to ensure you know what you can and cannot do when you leave their facility and go through the recovery process.

The plastic surgeons in Houston at MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery help men and women get rid of that stubborn fat with a tummy tuck. They provide cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, such as Houston laser hair removal, tummy tuck, and breast augmentation Houston.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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