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What To Know About Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift in Houston

Cosmetic surgery is no longer reserved for the rich and famous. People across Texas and Houston, in particular, are getting in on the action and making the empowering decision to change their bodies. One popular procedure is the Brazilian butt lift. Houston has many clinics that offer this type of service, but there are still quite a few people who are uncertain if a Brazilian butt lift is right for them. Here are some things to know about getting a Brazilian butt lift in Houston.

What Is It?

A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure where fat is taken from one area of the body, via liposuction, and injected into the buttocks, making it rounder and giving the patient additional curves. The procedure is immensely popular and has given patients across the country an extra boost of confidence.

How Long Does It Take And How Much Will It Cost?

The length of the procedure varies depending on the patient, how much fat is desired, and how much fat is available for injection. Generally speaking, the procedure takes at least four hours, possibly longer. This is an excellent question to ask Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Schusterman during your initial consultation.

A cost will also vary, depending on the clinic, patient, surgeon, and length of time the procedure takes. Again, this is a wonderful question to pose to the surgeon early on in the process.

What Is The Recovery Process Like?

After the surgery, which is typically performed under general anesthetic, the patient will feel tired, sore, and stiff. It’s very important to get up and move around several times per day while recovering. This will expedite the recovery process and reduce the risk of blood clots forming. Note that fluid may leak from the incision and that some bleeding is to be expected. If your incision site becomes red, painful or hot to touch, or you notice pus drainage or bleeding in excess of what your surgeon led you to expect, please seek immediate medical attention. It’s very important to take all post-operative medication exactly as prescribed, to minimize pain and swelling and to help speed up healing.

When Can A Patient Return To Work/Exercise?

It typically takes about a week before a patient can return to work. This can vary from patient to patient, however, and will depend on how extensive the surgery was. Patients are usually advised to wait two months before resuming exercise. Please note, however, that the swelling may persist for several months, and should not be confused for fat.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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