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Your Little Secret: Endoscopic Breast Implantation

An endoscopic breast implantation uses an endoscope to help surgeons place the breast implant inside the patient’s chest wall. The benefit women have using this method is that they do not have as many scars as they would with traditional breast implants insertion methods. Any scars women do have from this procedure are well hidden. This breast implantation method comes with various benefits that appeal to women.

Less Evidence of Breast Implant Surgery
One of the most obvious benefits that comes with an endoscopic breast implantation is that it is not as obvious that a woman has had implants assuming she has chosen a natural looking size in comparison to her body structure. Scars are generally less than one inch in the patient’s navel or underarm. With scars hidden, it can be up to the woman regarding who knows she has had the surgery instead of the scars telling people for her.

Evaluate Existing Implants
Surgeons conducting an endoscopic breast implantation surgery are able to correct capsular contracture, which is when scar tissue has formed around an existing implant, so that the implant does not feel unnaturally firm. It also allows the surgeon to check existing implants to see if there are any other problems that need to be corrected.

Shorter Recovery Time
An endoscopic breast augmentation often comes with a shorter recovery time due to the smaller incisions a woman’s body must recover from. This is especially helpful for women with young children at home or a busy workload they are responsible for.

Be Careful of the Surgeon You Choose
While the benefits of an endoscopic breast implantation are obvious, it is still a relatively new form of breast surgery. Only choose a board certified plastic surgeon that has multiple years of experience performing this procedure. If you are interested in getting breast implants, speak with a qualified expert, such as Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Schusterman to determine if you are a good candidate for endoscopic breast implantation.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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