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Mommy Makeover Houston, TX

Dramatic Physical Changes - in One Visit

Motherhood is a wonderful and fulfilling journey, but it can also take a toll on your body and your self-esteem. After pregnancy and childbirth, as mothers, it's natural to want to restore that pre-baby figure and self confidence. That's where a mommy makeover come in. Mommy makeovers have been helping women safely and effectively regain their youthful shapes and appearances for decades, and when performed by double board-certified Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Schusterman, they can produce astounding results, in just one visit. It's understandable to want to feel confident and comfortable again after becoming a mother, and a mommy makeover is a great option for achieving this.

Fellow of the American College of Surgeons American Society of Plastic Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery American Board of Cosmetic Surgery Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Texas Surgical Society Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons

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What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures that are performed together to help women restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. It normally includes a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or breast lift, and liposuction.

The goal of a mommy makeover is to improve the appearance of the abdomen, breasts, and other areas of the body that may have been affected by pregnancy and childbirth. At our clinic, skilled Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Schusterman, will work with you to determine the best procedures and options for your specific body type and goals.

Mommy Makeover Houston

Is a Mommy Makeover right for me?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have significant effects on a woman's body, particularly on the breasts and abdomen.

As the breasts become fuller and heavier during pregnancy, the skin and supportive structures may stretch. After breastfeeding is completed, the breasts may shrink but the skin and ligaments may not return to their original size or shape, leading to sagging and a loss of volume.

The abdomen also experiences significant changes during pregnancy, as it stretches to accommodate the growing baby. However, after childbirth, the abdominal skin, muscles, and supportive structures may not regain their previous tightness and may be prone to stretch marks. Pregnancy can also cause separation of the abdominal muscles, known as Diastasis Recti, which can result in a bulging appearance that cannot be corrected through diet and exercise alone. Overall, pregnancy and breastfeeding can have lasting effects on a woman's body and appearance.

If any of these conditions sound familiar, a Mommy Makeover can help you to restore your pre-pregnancy body.

Is now a good time for a Mommy Makeover?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether now is a good time for a mommy makeover. The decision to undergo plastic surgery is a personal one and should be based on your individual circumstances and goals. Here are a few things to consider when deciding whether now is the right time for a mommy makeover:

Are you finished having children?

If you are planning to have more children in the future, you may want to delay a mommy makeover until after you have completed your family. Pregnancy and childbirth can reverse some of the effects of the procedures, and you may need to have additional surgery in the future if you have more children.

Are you physically and emotionally ready for surgery?

Plastic surgery is a major undertaking, both physically and emotionally. It is important to be in good health and to have a clear understanding of the potential risks and benefits of the procedures you are considering.

Do you have a supportive network of family and friends?

It is important to have a strong support system in place during the recovery process. Make sure you have people who can help you with childcare, meals, and other tasks during the first few weeks after surgery.

Overall, the best time for a mommy makeover is when you are ready and fully committed to the process. If you're interested in Mommy Makeover Houston residents are encouraged to consult with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Schusterman to discuss your goals and determine whether a mommy makeover is right for you.

Mommy Makeover Benefits

As a combination plastic surgery procedure, a mommy makeover can help address many issues at once, to help restore a woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth. Some of the potential benefits of a mommy makeover include:

  • Improved appearance of the breasts: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause changes to the breasts, including loss of volume, sagging, and stretch marks. Breast augmentation and breast lift procedures can help restore a more youthful and attractive appearance to the breasts.
  • Improved appearance of the abdomen: Pregnancy and childbirth can cause the abdominal muscles to stretch and separate, leading to a bulging or "poochy" appearance. A tummy tuck procedure can tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and fat, resulting in a flatter, more toned abdomen.
  • Improved body contour: Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the thighs, hips, and buttocks, to create a more shapely and defined figure.
  • Improved self-esteem and self-confidence: Many women feel self-conscious about their bodies after pregnancy and childbirth. A mommy makeover can help improve their self-esteem and self-confidence by restoring their pre-pregnancy body and helping them feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin.

It is important to note that a mommy makeover is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. The best results are achieved when the procedures are combined with a healthy lifestyle. A board-certified plastic surgeon can help you determine whether a mommy makeover is right for you and discuss the specific benefits you can expect to achieve.

Mommy Makeover Procedure

Our goal is always to deliver the very best Mommy Makeover Houston has to offer; that's why your procedure is unique and tailored for you. It's also for this reason that each Mommy Makeover will differ for each patient. Below is a general description of how each technique is performed:

Recovery From A Mommy Makeover

After a Mommy Makeover Houston patients will awake from sedation in a comfortable recovery room with Dr. Schusterman's caring and expertly trained staff to attend to you until you are ready to return home. Overnight observation may be necessary in some cases. Immediately following surgery, you will experience swelling, bruising, and pain as your body begins to heal.

These side effects should start to subside within a few days, but can last for up to two weeks. You will be given specific post-op instructions to follow to maximize your results and get you recovered as quickly as possible. These may include taking prescribed pain medication, applying compression bandages or garments, and avoiding certain activities.

It is important to take it easy during the first few days of recovery, as your body will need time to heal. You should not engage in any physical or strenuous activity for at least 6-8 weeks after surgery. This includes activities such as lifting heavy objects, exercising, or participating in sports. It is also advisable to have help at home to assist you in your recovery for the first two weeks, as you will be limited in bending, lifting, and other everyday activities in your daily life.

As you continue to heal, you may experience some discomfort and may need to continue taking pain medication for a period of time. You should follow Dr. Schusterman's instructions and take any prescribed medications as directed. You should also keep all follow-up appointments with Dr. Schusterman to ensure that your recovery is progressing as planned.

It is important to remember that every person recovers at a different pace, and it is normal to have some good days and some bad days during the recovery process. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to heal. If you have any concerns or questions about your recovery, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Schusterman or his team for guidance.

Houston Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Results

While the downtime of surgery is an inconvenience, the Mommy Makeover results are well worth it. As you continue to heal, your results will continue to improve. Your overall appearance is fantastic, and the return of your self-confidence is what it is all about. Smile, mommy, you've earned it! You can expect to see:

  • Tightened Abdominal Wall -flatter and smoother stomach area
  • Enlarged or enhanced breasts - repositioned and looking fabulous
  • Liposuction - created an all-over leaner and toned look to your determined areas

Schedule Your Houston Mommy Makeover Consultation with Dr. Mark Schusterman

Your body is unique, and so should be your experience with plastic surgery. A Mommy Makeover is major cosmetic surgery, and each procedure is unique to your body type and personal goals. Dr. Schusterman wants you to feel safe and knowledgeable about your procedures by designing the best plan for your body. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about the Mommy Makeover.

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Mommy Makeover FAQs

Small weight fluctuations are normal and not likely to show in your tummy tuck area. It's vital to exercise (post-recovery) and maintain healthy eating habits. Significant weight gain could cause stretch marks or stretch out the skin, causing the need for another tummy tuck in the future.

It is important to have a natural-looking belly button after surgery, which is why Dr. Schusterman won't necessarily need to make any changes to your belly button. In most cases, incisions are made around it to reposition the skin and tighten muscles. All surgical procedures are discussed in your consultation, so you will be fully informed if any anatomical changes need to happen.

It is rare to have major complications from a Mommy Makeover, but invasive cosmetic surgical procedures may carry certain risks and complications, and they may include: swelling, numbness, bleeding at the incision sites, persistent pain, blood clotting, fluid accumulation, infection, and nerve damage. However, double-board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Schusterman will guide you through this process to determine if a Mommy Makeover is right for you.

Pain tolerance in each patient is different. However, some patients have mentioned that their tummy tuck was more manageable than a C-section. During a C-section, the doctor cuts through the lower abdominal muscles and uterus to deliver the baby. Afterward, the new mom is still expected to care for a newborn while recovering from major surgery.

With a tummy tuck, Dr. Schusterman is repairing the muscles and tightening the area. Additionally, your sleeping schedule and recovery should be smoother since you no longer care for an infant. Each tummy tuck caters to each patient, so a woman who has had multiple pregnancies or hernias may need more work, resulting in more pain post-surgery.

Dr. Schusterman has been performing cosmetic surgeries for over 20+ years and has helped hundreds of women achieve their surgical goals. The good news for Houston Mommy Makeover patients is that the procedure as delivered by Dr. Schusterman is exceptionally safe. You will be in a safe environment with expertly trained staff and an experienced, double board certified plastic surgeon.

A drainless abdominoplasty offers faster recovery and avoids the constant management and upkeep of drains. In any drainless abdominoplasty, Dr. Schusterman uses progressive tension sutures to close the space between the muscle and the skin, This technique advances the skin so there is less tension on the scar, which gives a much nicer result.

A lipo-abdominoplasty is liposuction or the abdomen combined with an abdominoplasty. This procedure is usually combined with liposuction 360, which includes liposuction of the back and flanks all the way around for a tighter waist. Because of the body’s needs after liposuction, drains must be used in lipo-abdominoplasty to ensure proper healing.

Each procedure offers benefits and limitations. During your consultation, Dr. Schusterman will review your goals and your medical history to help you determine which procedure works best for you.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

3355 W Alabama St Suite 450, Houston, TX 77098

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